History of UB

Host:: Name Cheap
Owner:: Claressa
Opened:: July 9, 2008
Hosted:: May 16, 2024
Category:: Graphic / Resource / Facebook / Tutorial / Old School Dollies
Programs Used:: Jasc Animation Shop 3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3, Notepad and Paint

Unbreakable is not your average site. It's filled with tons of free graphics, old school dolls, other resources, downloads, requests and tutorials.

How did UB get its name? I know there is an actual movie out called Unbreakable, but didn't see that until after a year I opened my site. I had the names unbreakable, electro pop and one I can't remember. I wanted something that stood out and wouldn't keep changing, so I chose Unbreakable. Yes, this is the only site I have owned.

Unbreakable has been hosted by four people in the past, starting out with webs.com and ending with buying my domain. Hoping this is the last host, but we will see.