Speak Spanish
Want to learn a different language? Here's some spanish words. I've taken spanish for 4 years and if you need help or want a different category, tag or email me. So here we go:
Spanish Vowels
In Spanish, the vowels have only one sound each. That's one of the reasons that Spanish words are spelled exactly how they sound.
The Spanish "a" is pronounced like the "a" in the word "father."
The Spanish "e" is most often pronounced like the "a" in the word "date," except that it is shorter and crisper.
The Spanish "i" is pronounced like the "ee" in the word "see," except that the sound is shorter.
The Spanish "o" is pronounced like the "o" in the word "no," except that the sound is shorter.
The Spanish "u" is pronounced like the "ue" in the word "due," except that the sound is shorter.
Yellow - Amarillo
Blue - Azul
Navy - Azul Marino
White - Blanco
Grey - Gris
Magenta - Magenta
Brown - cafe
Mustard - Mostaza
Orange - Naranja
Black - Negro
Red - Rojo
Pink - Rosa
Green - Verde
Violet - Violeta
What? - Qué?
How? - Cómo?
When? - Cuándo?
What time? - A qué hora?
How many? - Cuántos? / Cuántas?
How much? - Cuánto? / Cuánta?
Where? - Dónde?
Why? - Por qué?
What kind of? - Qué clase de...?
Who? - Quién?
a - ah
b - bay
b>c - say
d - day
e - ay
f - f ay
g - hay
h - ahchay
i - eee
j- jota
k - kay
l - el lay
ll - el yay
n - en nay
ñ- en yay
o - oh
p - pay
q - koo
r - er ray
rr - err ray
s - esay
t - tay
u - ew
v - ew vay
w - ew dobay
x - equiz
y - ei equiz
z - zeta
0 - cero
1 - uno
2 - dos
3 - tres
4 - cuatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - siete
8 - ocho
9 - nueve
10 - diez
11 - once
12 - doce
13 - trece
14 - catorce
15 - quince
16 - diez y séis
17 - diez y siete
18 - diez y ocho
19 - diez y nueve
20 - veinte
21 - veinte y uno
30 - treinta
40 - cuarenta
50 - cincuenta
60 - sesenta
70 - setenta
80 - ochenta
90 - noventa
100 - cien
1000 - mil
January - enero
Februry - febrero
March - marzo
April - abril
May - mayo
June - junio
July - julio
August - agosto
September - septiembre
Ocotber - octubre
November - noviembre
December - diciembre
Sunday - domingo
Monday - lunes
Tuesday - martes
Wednesday - miercoles
Thursday - jueves
Friday - viernes
Saturday - sábado
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